Deliver this dog to number 62

It's late afternoon. I'm at the bus station in Leiderdorp, waiting for bus 100 to take me home to Leiden. The Leiderdorp bus station is a large square in the center of town, a busy regional hub where countless buses come and go on their way to destinations all over the country. I've been here many times in previous dreams, even though this location doesn't exist in the real world.

One of the people waiting at the bus stop is a young man with a dog. He explains that he needs to deliver his dog to "number 62", but he doesn't know where that is, and he has very little time. I tell him that it's not far from where we are, and that it wouldn't be any trouble for me to take the dog there. He is very grateful and hands over the dog leash.

I leave the bus stop with the dog. It's a friendly, brown, long-haired animal with long ears, who is happy to be with me. Because the destination is nearby I go on foot, but at the same time we find ourselves inside "bus number 62".

Finding my way back to the bus station takes me until late in the evening. Though I left the dog behind, it is with me at the bus stop, and it's now mine. We are inseparable. The same group of people is still waiting for the bus. The dog's previous owner doesn't recognize me, and doesn't notice the dog.

The bus arrives, and everyone gets in. On its way to Leiden it travels its usual route from bus stop to bus stop. When we arrive at the long, straight, cobbled country road that connects Leiderdorp to Leiden (and which doesn't exist in real life either) the bus switches to the left side of the road and starts to accelerate. Faster and faster we go. The passengers start to notice what is happening, and urge the driver to slow down and return to the right side of the road. He ignores all pleas and continues to accelerate. The ongoing traffic manages to swerve out of way at the very last moment.

I get up from my seat with the intention to make the driver stop and let everyone out. The dog remains seated and simultaneously follows me. While I'm walking forward it dawns on me that the acceleration has a purpose. I am relieved and return to my seat. The bus keeps accelerating. I wake up.

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