A tower of children

In this dream I'm an observer, not a participant. From my point of view in outer space I'm watching an endless procession of children climbing an invisible, circular staircase. Lines of four children (four children next to each other) are climbing the invisible steps ahead of them. Af few steps down, another four children. And so on until eternity.

They move in lockstep, which is an amazing sight, and they are wearing white nightgowns, which makes them look like angels. Maybe that's why they look up at the sky, not at their feet.

There seems to be a limitless supply of children. Higher and higher they go, without ever pausing.  It's a tower of children, floating in space, making not a single sound. There is music surrounding them, but it cannot be heard. There is light surrounding them, but it cannot be seen.

I'm in awe of what I see and hear.

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